Saturday, March 14, 2009

Over Vacation Time

It was uncle Bobys birthday and we were invited of course because I think they stayed with us at our house for maby 2 or 3 weeks or so maby 1 but I really don't know to be exact.

Well this is Keala, me as in Putri, Jonathin and other people you can see in the pic. on the stript by the danceing waters and thats all I have to say right now but I have more to say later on the next pic. next time.

This was in Desember and a little in Januwary at MountCharlstin with evryone that is there that I know and only one person that I don't know at all but there are my cousinins there with us there.

This is alsow the same pic. as last time just diffret positions.